The 100th Post

A perfect 100 on a test
A 100 degree day in summer
Scoring 100 points in a basketball game
As a quantifier, 100 can be a significant number. Of course, everything is relative and just by adding or taking away a zero, you can drastically change the number (I’d much rather have $1000 than $10, wouldn’t you?). 100 is a number just big enough to be a mark of something significant. In life, there are certain numbers that immediately get our attention. So it is with this post for me personally.
I’ve never wanted fanfare for this weekly blog, but in realizing that my 100th post was coming up I was impressed to consider it a milestone moment. Through blog posts and music review articles, THIS is the 100th time I’ve prepared something and shared it publicly. All in the effort to point people to Christ; all for the glory of God. What started in 2017 as just a thought in my head has grown to something much more than I ever dreamed or imagined. Certainly I know blogs are a dime-a-dozen and everyone from your grandma to your dog may have one! But nevertheless, I’m glad to have made it this far and without you, it wouldn’t have been possible. So…thank you and God bless you!
Setting up monuments and commemorating milestones was a significant part of the Old Testament. In many places, an altar of stones was created. It became a place where God’s presence was encountered and where He moved on behalf of His people. Those significant moments were worth taking the time to make an altar to pause and worship.
The LORD appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I will give this land." So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him. Genesis 12:7
The LORD appeared to him [Isaac] the same night and said, “I am the God of your father Abraham; Do not fear, for I am with you. I will bless you, and multiply your descendants, for the sake of My servant Abraham.” So he built an altar there and called upon the name of the LORD, and pitched his tent there; and there Isaac’s servants dug a well. Genesis 26:24,25
Then come, let us go up to Bethel, where I will build an altar to God, who answered me in the day of my distress and who has been with me wherever I have gone." Genesis 35:3
Whenever we pause to give praise and credit to God for what He has done, He is glorified and honored. What I’ve attempted to do from week to week is point to God and His ultimate goodness. Let today be a ringing declaration saying once again, God deserves all the credit, all the glory, and all the praise. If I can look back over the last year and beyond, I see God time and again being of the same character and nature that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worshipped. How amazing is it to think that He is still the God Who reigned over the lives of those mighty men of faith! We have access through Christ, to the Father and we have the same benefits that our patriarchal faith fathers had. Praise God!
As you look over your life, what significant moments has God allowed you to experience? Maybe the big moments stand out…graduations, marriages, children being born. All blessings from God and opportunities to give Him credit for what He has done. Maybe there are lesser-known moments but still just as significant. Being set free from an addiction, restoration of a broken relationship, getting out of debt. All moments to say “Look what God has done.” I believe we give God glory in all circumstances, at all times. Through the highs and lows, the mountaintops and valleys, He is still God and He is still sovereign.
What I hope you see through this blog is honest and heartfelt. I’ve shared struggles and I’ve shared pain. But today I also share victory because 100 posts would never be possible without God making a way. I’m impressed that God not only oversees all that we do, but is also right in the middle of the fight with us. He is not some far-off, distant Deity who doesn’t identify with our situation. No, He has walked in our shoes and journeys right along side of us. 100 posts into this adventure, I see this truth as more real than when I first started.
Here’s to keeping the journey going and growing together in the Lord. Again, I thank you so much for reading and being a part of this with me. You have no idea how much of a blessing it is to me.
Love you all.
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